Underhand Figure 8 (NO Race & Chace)
First, establish a pattern with hands only.
Start by placing the right hand on the left at the right side of the body.
Now start drawing a steep figure 8 (infinity) with your left pinky in front of your body. Left pinky leading, right pinky always following. Do about 8 repetitions slow and controlled to anchor the pattern.
Take your rope, make sure it’s not tangled. Interlace your fingers in the “OK sign” shape above handles.
Take it off to the right side, place your right pinky on top of the left hand and start “slicing” vertically drawing figure 8 in front of your body with left pinky leading the way. This will get you to a nice underhand figure 8.
This movement most closely relates to locomotion. Typically it is harder of the two figure 8’s to learn so that’s why we do it first. If you prefer, stand in a split stance.
Overhand figure 8 (SO Race & Chase)
Establish the pattern empty-handed.
Start by placing the right hand on the left at the right side of the body.
This time start drawing steep figure 8 with your right thumb in front of your body.
Right thumb leading, left thumb always following. Do about 8 repetitions slow and controlled to anchor the pattern.
Take your rope, make sure it’s not tangled. Interlace your fingers in the “OK sign” shape above handles.
Take it off to the right side, place your right hand on top of the left hand and start “Chop” down drawing figure 8 in front of your body with the right index finger leading the way.
This will get you to a nice overhand figure 8.If you feel comfortable, stand in a split stance, this will help to understand head over foot effect.
The Propeller and Circumnavigating (Transition skill/360 transitions)
The Propeller is side skill that will help transition from Underhand to Overhand.
To start, place hands parallel from each other. Roll the rope in an underhand fashion keeping your hands directly across from each other.
Do about 8 repetitions. It’s ok if the rope gets tangled. This is skill usually used no more than one repetition for transitional purposes.
From Propeller, if you turn to one side the rope will be rolling in Underhand figure 8’s.
“Park” your rope on the side of the body, start doing Propellers and turn to that side. Turn further by 90 degrees and now you have Overhand figure 8’s.
From there turn to again where it turns to Propeller and transition back where you started to Underhand figure 8’s. Do the same in the opposite direction.
Fastest pace for 60 seconds. Get any metronome application to your phone and set as many beats as you can barely sustain rolling figure 8's.
The goal is to reach 180 beats per minute or more.
Try to circumnavigate to match pace. It’s a great way to get more work out of the rope.